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7 Ways to loose belly fat!


It's winter here in New Zealand and what a better down to get started on your summer body. Keep active and ready with these 7 simple ways to loose your belly fat!


Winter's the best time to keep fit and get that summer body ready, don't ya think? Putting aside as little as 30 minutes a day to stay on top of your weight can be all that you need to maintain yourself in time for summer and those good weather photos.

Here are 7 healthy ways to loose belly fat;

1. Drinking water regularly - This helps to keep your digestive system working and stops fats and toxins from clogging up in your system. The belly can be one good place for fat to hide and drinking water and upkeeping your fluids can help clear that away.

2. Sits up & crunches - Nothing has proven to be better when it comes to exercise tips. Sit ups can directly attack that stubborn fat that hangs around your belly.

3. Fruit and vegetables - These are great to maintain your health and to make sure that your body is getting the vitamins that it needs and deserves. Fruit and veges have good fats that don't wear on your body as much as others.

4. Vitamins - Some vitamins are available just to keep your health in order. Visit your GP if you have any questions or seek advice from a medical professional before taking these to be on the safe side.

5. Nuts and spreads - These are great for the digestive system. Nuts can especially work well for your belly as they take longer to process and keep your metabolism working regularly and healthily.

6. Snacking - Snacking is another great way to keep your metabolism working and to keep that fat processed and regulated. This stops fat build up and can help to remove excess fats.

7. Exercise - Besides the already mentioned sit ups & crunches, running and other exercises can help to loosen up the fat around your belly. Other exercises can help too, and if you're a gym member, you can ask your gym trainers for some tips on how these work.

Using some of these tips and do so regularly, you could be on your way to a beautiful summer body that feels good too! Eating well and keeping your digestive system working can also improve other parts of your life -like how great you'll feel being lighter or even sexier!

Tell us how you go! Send us a message with your health journey and you may be featured. We'd love to hear from you!


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